Investing in premium properties with unique experiences

Our goal is to enable investments in premium properties without investors having to spend huge sums on buying their own chalet or suite.

Unique investment opportunities

Strength of the TMR group

Gopass Benefits
Gopass Property
Investments for qualified investors
Target revenue
6-12% p.a.
Min. investment
125 000 € / 3 mil. Kč
It can be joined
Online process
Recommended investment horizon
Min. 5 years
Revenue payout
Regular income from investment
Why should you invest in Gopass Property?
“ We only invest in properties with above-average rental revenues and significant potential for further value growth. As investors in GOPASS Property, we personally stand by each of our choices, selecting only properties that we would confidently invest in ourselves. Our properties in individual locations are managed and utilised by the TMR Group, which is a prerequisite for high revenues.”
Igor Rattaj
Chairman of the Gopass Property Investment Committee

Rental revenue
Being an investor, you participate in the net rental revenue from Gopass Property real estate.
Real property value growth
We only invest in properties with significant potential for further value growth. The value of your investment grows along with real estate prices.
Unforgettable benefits
Enjoy benefits such as discounted ski passes, aqua passes, accommodation in selected suites and hotels, and other benefits at TMR resorts.
Real property sales revenue
If the prices are high enough, we plan to sell a part of our property portfolio.
Regular revenue payout
We plan to provide our investors with regular appreciation to express our gratitude for your trust and commitment to our shared prosperous future direction.
Investment ending flexibility
We recommend holding the investment for a minimum of five years to fully utilise its potential. Our investments can be exited after three years. Of course, shares can be sold to a third party of your choice at any time.
Are you interested?
Give us your email address.
By providing my email address, I express interest in investing in GOPASS Property and request further information on the possibility of investing. Investing in GOPASS Property is intended only for qualified investors whose total amount of invested funds is at least 125,000€ or the equivalent of this amount in CZK. The GOPASS SE company manages the private alternative GOPASS Property fund and is registered in the respective list maintained by the Czech National Bank (“CNB”). However, the activities of GOPASS SE are not supervised by the CNB and GOPASS Property is not an investment fund. By sending this message, I declare that I meet the condition of a qualified investor mentioned above and that I understand and acknowledge the information provided above.
*By filling out and submitting the form, I acknowledge that the GOPASS Property a.s. company will process the personal data provided by me in the above-mentioned form pursuant to the GOPASS Privacy Policy based on Article 6(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (hereinafter the “Regulation”). At the same time, I acknowledge the legitimate interest of Gopass under Article 6(1)(f) of the Regulation to send me information (Newsletter) about upcoming projects. I can unsubscribe from the Newsletter at any time by sending a request via the button located in each Newsletter (“unsubscribe”) or by sending a request to the address: